If the mod contains loose files – such as a folder lablelled “Meshes” or “Strings” or something – copy the entire folder into Data.īefore launching the game, open the Fallout 4 launcher then exit it to activate your mods. esm, simply copy those files into the data folder on their own. When you’ve downloaded your mod files, use a file extracter such as WinRar or 7zip to extract the files into the Data folder. By default, the directory is installed to:Ĭ: > Program Files (x86) > Steam > SteamApps > Common > Fallout 4 Apart from scripting tools (such as the FOSE for Fallout 3 / New Vegas) or lighting overhauls (like Boris Voronstov’s ENBseries), almost all of the mod files will be installed into the Data folder of your game’s directory. Installing mods manually may seem like a daunting task, but in many cases it’s a much simpler job than one might think.

The best way to avoid errors in this is to read all of the installation instructions carefully before installing any files. While Nexus Mod manager has been update to support files for Fallout 4, some mods may still require players to install files manually.

Before Installing any mods, follow the instructions above to back up your game files and enable modding for Fallout 4.